Hornady 308 Win 168 gr ELD Match Superformance Match 20/Box
Hornady 308 Win 168 gr ELD Match Superformance Match 20/Box. Highpower competitors, as well as law enforcement and military shooters and snipers, benefit from the Superformance® Match™ advantages – higher muzzle velocity, phenomenal accuracy, increased range and reduced wind drift.
Topped with the finest bullets, Superformance® Match™ ammunition marries the very best cartridge cases with extremely stable propellants. These propellants are custom blended for each individual load to provide true ammunition performance enhancement.
Ammo Specifications
Caliber: 308 Winchester
Bullet Weight: 168 gr
Bullet Type: ELD Match
Muzzle Velocity: 2840 fps
Muzzle Energy: 3008 ft-lbs
Quantity: 20 Rounds per box