HSM Bear Ammunition 500 S&W Magnum 440 Grain Lead Wide Flat Nose Gas Check Box of 20 available in stock
Hsm Bear Ammo 10mm, Developed (HSM Bear Ammo 10mm) as a load to protect hunters while hunting or traveling in bear country. This American-made ammunition can keep you safe with its extreme terminal performance and stopping power. ®HSM Bear Ammunition is loaded with high-quality. Dependable components deliver drastically higher velocities when compared to standard loads. Trust HSM Bear loads for your protection from dangerous games.
HSM Bear Ammo 10mm (High Precision Range) Bear Load Handgun Ammo was developed to protect fishermen and backpackers when traveling in a bear country. HSM Bear Loads shoot 15 Brinell hard-cast, gas-checked lead bullets for maximum penetration and stopping power. Show more Web ID: 161957 Product Chart Cartridge or Gauge Model Number Grain Velocity (fps) Bullet Type
Bear Load | HSM Ammunition Handgun Bear Load In territory that could prove to be treacherous in a heartbeat. it pays to be ever-vigilant and always ready. That’s why HSM’s exclusive Bear Load has been the most popular seller since its introduction in 2011.
Bear Country | HSM Ammunition Bear Country Occasionally one of our customers shares an amazing story. Please read about Ken Ledeau’s encounter with a bear while walking in the Dupuyer, Montana area. Hi HSM, I wanted to tell a quick story. I am a semi-retired truck driver, not much of a hunter or outdoorsman. But I love getting outdoors when I can.
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